Catch the Cats' open practices at the all-new Baptist Health IcePlex!
Our goal is to provide free and open Florida Panthers practices to the public. Fans can park and enter through main doors (see below map).
Practice schedules are subject to change, so please check back to this landing page regularly for the latest information.
Fans in attendance can enjoy concessions as well as browse offerings at Pantherland powered by FLA Team Shop.
Wednesday, March 26 at 11AM
Practices may be cancelled on short notice.
Attendance is subject to space and availability.
Stadium seating is first come, first served.
Autographs not guaranteed.
Live streaming and video equipment are not permitted.
Fans might be subject to security screening upon entry.
Signage is permitted and the Baptist Health IcePlex reserves the right to remove any signage or fan wearing attire that is deemed inappropriate.